Saturday, September 22, 2012


I think I'm better at answering questions.. so if there is anything specific any of you would like to know about my trip, feel free to ask! otherwise, I'm a woman of few words at the moment. well, okay most of the time..
layover in Amsterdam airport. didn't hate it.. definitely didn't love it. 

part of the view from Erin's apartment. I got lost in this view at least once a day looking out her window.

multiple weddings in the park during the weekends. I thought this little girl was so fluffy and cute.

school and hygiene supplies given to the teens of the Roma village in Budila.
the teens love playing ping pong when they come to their meetings with Erin.
was a little too excited to drive by this, I think. life is beautiful.
+ more to come.

1 comment:

Gram said...

And He shall feed His flock like a Shepherd. xoxo