Wednesday, December 31, 2014

merry christmas and happy new year.

from us and our joy baby in Michigan!

I never really prayed that for her like I wanted to before she was born. but I've recently been praying that strength and dignity would be her clothing and that kindness would be on her lips. that she would laugh at the days to come. (proverbs 31, I'm sure you know it well)

and she is just that. so much joy. so I am thankful for the joy I don't even ask for and continue to pray over this beautiful girl. I also pray this holiday season is a special one for each of you. love you all!

here's to another great year.

beautiful cards : artifact uprising | beautiful photo : Trevor Mark Photography

Friday, December 19, 2014

looking forward.

what an interesting week. let's move on, shall we? at least I have something nice too look at. (: in the next couple of days, we'll be on our way to Michigan to spend lots of time with family. I think I'm most excited that Chad has two weeks off. here's to a great two weeks.

if you think of it, would you be so kind to say a prayer for our travels? we're driving, so this will be the longest trip she's made in the car. Tennessee wasn't so bad, so we're hopeful.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

seven months.

a couple of weeks late, but I want to write to remember this age. and all ages.

I love that I am her safety.

when she's upset and I pick her up, or if she's around other people, she pushes her legs against my stomach and grabs my shoulders, pulling herself up as close as she can in the crook of my neck (usually biting my shoulder (; ). and I keep thinking about the moment we connected on the outside. as I pulled her up on my chest for the first time. and it was like she couldn't get close enough. brand new in this world and instantly I was her safety. instead of scooting down to nurse like I heard babies might do, she just kept getting closer and closer to my neck only to rest there, after what I can imagine was probably a little traumatic. I love this girl. I would do that day all over again for her. just for that moment. but I love that for now, even still, she finds comfort in that spot. in me. that I am mama and I am safe.


Tuesday, December 02, 2014

teeth. not tooth.

photos c/o Trevor Mark Photography. celebrating six months of Norah. you can visit his site to see more!

that guy's smile, am I right? I'm a lucky gal.

pray for our sweet babe. what I thought was her first tooth, was actually four teeth. she's a trooper and still such a joy, but I feel so bad when I can tell she's feeling it. I guess it's nice to get it over with faster? yeah, I'll just look at it like that and keep cuddling her up for as long as she needs.